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The Schaeffler Group views sustainability as a comprehensive, overarching topic and develops its approach accordingly. The Sustainability Report 2023 reveals the company’s dedication and the progress it has already made in implementing its sustainability strategy.

„Schaeffler has always been known for its innovative strength and technological expertise – building on this, we want to bridge the gap between sustainability and cost efficiency.”
Klaus Rosenfeld,  Chief Executive Officer of Schaeffler AG

After all, we plan to do our part to achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement. When it comes to our production and product portfolio, we at Schaeffler are committed to these targets as well as to the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

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Our targets

To implement its sustainability strategy, the Schaeffler Group is focusing on seven key Schaeffler ESG targets based on the ten action fields.

Climate-neutral supply chain

Climate-neutral supply chain (Scope 3 upstream) by 2040 1)

6,707 thous. tCO2e

Status reporting year

(2022: 6,599 thous. tCO2e)

1) Efforts to achieve these targets focus on reduction measures; unavoidable emissions are counterbalanced. 

Climate-neutral production

Climate-neutral production (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by 2030 1)

375 thous. tCO2e

Status reporting year

(2022: 493 thous. tCO2e)

1) Efforts to achieve these targets focus on reduction measures; unavoidable emissions are counterbalanced. 

Renewable energy

100 % of purchased power from renewable sources by 2024

87.6 % 1)

Status reporting year

(2022: 76.5 %)

1) In the reporting year, energy attribute certificates for renewable energies were purchased for 83.5 % of electricity consumption, with an additional 2.7 % purchased in January 2024. All of the energy attribute certificates used were produced in 2023. 

Energy efficiency

100 GWh accumulated annual efficiency gains through implementation of energy efficiency measures by 2024

97.1 GWh 1)

Status reporting year

(2022: 64.2 GWh 1))

1) Externally verified annual energy efficiency potential (cumulative) since 2020. 

Freshwater withdrawal

20 % reduction of freshwater withdrawal by 2030

5,035 thous. m 3

Status reporting year

(2022: 5,501 thous. m 3)

Employee safety

10 % average annual reduction of accident rate (LTIR) by 2024

2.7 1)

Status reporting year

(2022: 3.0)

1) The 2023 figure does not include Ewellix, which was acquired in 2023. The Ewellix LTIR is 5.7 and was calculated according to a different definition. As at December 31, 2023, the Schaeffler Group had 82,119 employees (excluding Ewellix), and Ewellix had 1,243 employees.

Diversity in top management

Increase in the share of women in top management to 20 % by 2025

16.0 %

Status reporting year

(2022: 15.0 %)

Focus on

More than ever before, the power of innovation is a key factor in company success – and an important requirement for making the world more sustainable.

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