Sustainability targets

As part of the realignment and restructuring of its sustainability activities, Schaeffler has developed five management-related targets in the reporting period and will report on their progress from now on.

In addition to focusing on internal management, Schaeffler also wants to create greater clarity in external communication regarding the status of its sustainability performance. For this reason, the detailed targets at a departmental level will not be published this year.

The strategic objectives include measures that the company wants to use to apply in order to achieve positive environmental, social, and economic effects through its business activities and to create sustainable company value. Time frames are also defined within which Schaeffler intends to implement the measures.

Strategic goal


Measures (extract)


Goal deadline

CDP Rating






Lost Time Injury Rate, LTIR = occupational accidents from one lost day per 1 million hours worked.

“A-”-rating for CDP Climate Score by 2021 and at least “B” by 2020

  • Increased transparency regarding climate-related data
  • Cooperation with customers and suppliers to reduce emissions in the value chain


Sustainable Suppliers





90% of purchasing volume of production material from suppliers with sustainability self-assessments by 2022

  • Increase in the share of suppliers evaluated via self-assessments


Renewable Energy





100% of purchased power from renewable sources until 2024

  • Increase the share of purchased green electricity to 100%.
  • Increase in the share of self-generated renewable energy


Energy Efficiency





100 GWh cumulated annual efficiency gain through implementation of energy efficiency measures until 2024

  • Implementation of a comprehensive corpo-rate energy efficiency program, for example through heat recovery and optimized machine cooling


Accident Rate





10% average annual reduction of accident rate (LTIR1)) by 2024

  • Implementation of appropriate measures taking local conditions into account