Diversity and equal opportunity

  • The main topics of the concept are , internationality, age/generations, and people with disabilities
  • Diversity Council established to anchor the topic more firmly in the company

Strategically promoting diversity

Part of GNFK StartIn 2019, the topic of was more strongly integrated into existing HR processes such as employer branding, recruiting, and talent management and supported with measures. Diversity was also included in the onboarding process – from the first brochure to the Schaeffler Basics II introductory training. With the development of a diversity-sensitive recruiting process, the topic will also be given greater consideration when recruiting new employees. A pilot program for this will be launched in 2020.

Schaeffler signed the (Diversity Charter) in 2008. In 2018, Schaeffler joined the association. In 2019, the company actively participated in all general meetings, the diversity conference, and working groups for the internationalization of the initiative.

Diversity Council established

In implementing sustainable diversity management, Schaeffler focused on anchoring the topic at the highest management level in 2019. A Diversity Council was established for this purpose, consisting of members of the Executive Board and senior employees. The aim of the Council is to integrate the topic more strongly into the company and to prioritize measures. The kick-off was in November 2019.Part of GNFK End

Promoting top female performers

Part of GNFK StartIn 2018, measures were initiated for each of the four focus topics of the diversity concept. Particular attention was paid to the focus area of “Gender” in the reporting period. Among other things, Schaeffler has started to expand the global mentoring concept with women’s mentoring. A women’s mentoring pilot program in Europe targeted women, each of whom was assigned a mentor from the European Management Board.

In 2019, the proportion of women in the Schaeffler Group was 22.1% (prior year: 22.0%) and the proportion of female senior executives1) was 11.5% (prior year: 10.9%)2). As of June 30, 2017, target ratios for the proportion of women were set within Schaeffler AG. The target rates are an 8% proportion of women on the first and a 12% proportion of women on the second management level below the Executive Board. Schaeffler AG should reach these goals by June 30, 2022.Part of GNFK End

The added value of a diverse workforce


different nationalities are represented at Schaeffler

The Schaeffler Group employs workers from 113 different nations worldwide. Internationality is therefore one of the four focal topics of diversity management. In 2019, the focus was on the establishment of an international network that will be used to analyze diversity-related needs and identify diversity managers in the regions in the future.

The diversity within the company is also reflected in the exchange between the generations. Four generations currently meet in the workplace with different expectations of work, values, standards, and priorities. To promote the exchange of experience between the generations, the “Reverse Mentoring” pilot program that was introduced in 2018 was further promoted in 2019.

The Schaeffler Group also focuses on the integration of people with disabilities. People with disabilities need individually tailored working conditions so that they can perform their work or continue their work after the onset of a disability. Schaeffler specifically identifies jobs that already meet these requirements or develops existing jobs as needed.

1) Managers are defined as employees in a supervisory function.

2) Figures for 2018 have been adjusted retrospectively compared with the previous year’s report.

Diversity with respect to aspects including gender, ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, life style.
Social dimension of gender. Refers to the culturally specific and historically variable roles, expectations, values, and orders associated with the respective gender.
Diversity with respect to aspects including gender, ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, life style.
Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charter)
Corporate initiative to support diversity in companies and institutions. Organizations should create a working environment that is free of prejudice. All employees should feel valued – independent of their sex, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or world view, disability, age, or sexual orientation and identity.
Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charter)
Corporate initiative to support diversity in companies and institutions. Organizations should create a working environment that is free of prejudice. All employees should feel valued – independent of their sex, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or world view, disability, age, or sexual orientation and identity.