GNFK index

Index to the combined separate non-financial report

The Schaeffler Group has prepared a combined separate non-financial report (GNFK) for 2020 that fulfills the group’s obligation to declare non-financial information according to the CSR Directive Implementation Law in accordance with Sections 289, 315 of the German Commercial Code (HGB).

The includes a description of concepts and due diligence processes and their results for the five non-financial aspects “environmental concerns”, “employee matters”, “social matters”, “respect for human rights”, and . Twelve essential issues that were previously determined as part of the materiality analysis are reported in detail. The index on the right provides an overview of the pages of the Sustainability Report on which this information can be found.

Environmental concerns


Pages in the Sustainability Report 2020

Innovative mobility solutions


Innovative mobility and industrial solutions
CO2-efficient drives
Chassis applications
Industrial machinery & equipment
Renewable energy
Aftermarket solutions & services

Innovative solutions for the industry and energy sector


Innovative mobility and industrial solutions
CO2-efficient drives
Chassis applications
Industrial machinery & equipment
Renewable energy
Aftermarket solutions & services

Environment and climate protection


Environment and energy

Employee matters



Employee advancement and development


Employee advancement and development

Occupational health and safety


Occupational health and safety

Diversity and equal opportunity


Diversity and equal opportunity

Social matters



Product quality and safety


Product quality and safety

Customer satisfaction


Customer satisfaction

Corporate Responsibility


Social responsibility

Human rights



Social and ecological standards in the value chain


Suppliers and materials




Corporate compliance


Corporate governance

Information security


Corporate governance

Abbreviation of “Separate non-financial group report” (German: “Gesonderter nichtfinanzieller Konzernbericht”): refers to the reporting option according to the CSR Directive Implementation Act Sections 289, 315 German Commercial Code.
Ensuring that all rules and regulations applicable to a process are adhered to.