Materiality and stakeholder management

  • The materiality analysis was validated by the Sustainability Committee in 2020 and expanded to include the topic of taxes in the sense of social responsibility
  • Material progress in the implementation of the Sustainability Roadmap improved performance in sustainability ratings

Identifying key topics

Part of GNFK StartEleven key issues were identified for the Schaeffler Group through a comprehensive materiality analysis in 2019. These are relevant both for understanding the core business, business results, and the company situation as well as for understanding the impact on non-financial aspects. The individual steps of analysis can be found in the Schaeffler Sustainability Report 2019. The issues were validated by the Sustainability Committee in 2020 and expanded to include the topic of taxes in the sense of social responsibility. The Schaeffler Group also reports on other relevant sustainability issues.Part of GNFK End

Material non-financial topics in 2020

The Schaeffler Group not only incorporates stakeholders in the materiality analysis, but also continuously maintains close contact with them. In addition to customers, employees, and suppliers, the most important stakeholders also include investors, analysts, associations, universities, and research institutes. The following are just some of the exchange formats offered in the reporting period:

  • Customer workshops in the automotive sector
  • Dialogue with industry associations
  • Exchange of professional expertise with universities

Initiatives and associations

To establish a shared understanding of sustainability, the Schaeffler Group is involved in a variety of initiatives and associations that promote standardized measures and processes for effective sustainability management. This includes activities in relevant working groups such as the following organizations:

  • German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA)
  • Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA)
  • Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI)
  • European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA)
  • Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica (ANFIA)

The Schaeffler Group is also involved in multi-stakeholder initiatives such as the two industry dialogues of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (). As a member of the Value Balancing Alliance (VBA), the Schaeffler Group is also working with other companies to develop a consistent standard for measurement and monetary assessment of the environmental and social impacts of companies.


The Schaeffler Group is a member of industry and interest groups and other organizations with a social mission in which company representatives participate through projects or working groups. In the list provided for download (PDF) (29kB) , memberships in organisations are listed which are strategically significant for the company or its industry.

Ratings and rankings

The Schaeffler Group further improved its sustainability ratings and rankings in the reporting year through consistent implementation of the Sustainability Roadmap. Most noteworthy is, among other things, the further improvement of the climate rating from “B-” to “A-”. The goal of “A-” by 2021 was thus achieved ahead of schedule.


“A-”-rating for Climate Score by 2021

SDG 13 Climate Action
Rating CDP goal (pie chart)

Part of GNFK StartMeasures to improve the rating included the targeted introduction of climate management across all relevant functions that help to improve the carbon footprint, identify and evaluate relevant climate-related opportunities and risks, and calculate upstream in accordance with the GHG Protocol. Further measures for 2021 include increasing the percentage of green electricity in the electricity mix, expanding energy efficiency measures, and reporting CO2 reductions per measure implemented.Part of GNFK End

The Schaeffler Group achieved the following results in additional ratings and rankings:



Current rating


Previous rating



Climate: score of “A-”
Water: score of “B-”


Climate: score of “B-”
Water: score of “B”



Silver status
65/100 points


Silver status
60/100 points



18.5 (“low risk” category)1)


19.5 (“low risk” category)


Assessment distinguishes between five risk categories, with 0 representing the best and 100 the lowest value.

Abbreviation of “National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights”: initiative of the German federal government to respect human rights in global supply chains, based on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights.
Abbreviation of (formerly) “Carbon Disclosure Project”: non-profit organization that evaluates and provides corporate information for investors, companies and governments in the areas of climate, water and forests.
Abbreviation of (formerly) “Carbon Disclosure Project”: non-profit organization that evaluates and provides corporate information for investors, companies and governments in the areas of climate, water and forests.
Abbreviation of (formerly) “Carbon Disclosure Project”: non-profit organization that evaluates and provides corporate information for investors, companies and governments in the areas of climate, water and forests.
Scope 3 emissions
All other emissions caused by the company’s activities but not under a company’s control (e.g., by suppliers).