Diversity and equal opportunity
Strategically promoting diversity
different nations are represented at the Schaeffler Group
Part of GNFK StartThe Schaeffler Group employs people from 129 nations. The aim is to anchor diversity management at the company over the long term, make it more visible, and emphasize the management’s obligation to the topic. In order to underline its commitment, the company signed the “Charta der Vielfalt” (Diversity Charter) in 2008 and has been an active member of the “Charta der Vielfalt” association since 2018. Again in 2020, the company took part in all general meetings, the diversity conference, and in the preparations for the 2021 diversity business forum.
To promote diversity and inclusion, a global network was set up in 2020 to allow managers across all regions to share information and advance these topics regionally. The Diversity Council, which was established in 2019 and consists of members of the extended Executive Board as well as managers, also intensified its work. In addition to continuously performing communication work, the council completed a diversity training, which served as a pilot and will be expanded to management level in the next step. The idea is to establish the training across all levels.
Diversity management primarily serves to prevent discrimination. Still, the department is closely networked with various stakeholders, such as the complaints office for cases of discrimination and the Sustainability department for issues related to human rights. Training courses called for by the General Act on Equal Treatment, which are compulsory in Germany, are also offered for managers and employees.Part of GNFK End
Gender diversity
Part of GNFK StartIn 2020, the proportion of women in the Schaeffler Group was 22.0 % (prior year: 22.1 %) and the proportion of female managers1) was 11.8 % (prior year: 11.5 %). As of June 30, 2017, target ratios for the proportion of women were set within Schaeffler AG. The target rates are an 8 % proportion of women on the first and a 12 % proportion of women on the second management level below the Executive Board. These targets will ultimately be achieved group-wide, beginning with Schaeffler AG by June 30, 2022.
On the topic of gender diversity, the rollout of the women’s mentoring pilot program in Europe, which kicked off in 2019, continued in the reporting period, with the number of participating mentors and the number of mentees more than tripling. Increased focus was also placed on gender diversity in the area of E-Mobility – e.g. university collaborations and mentoring programs were piloted. Female STEM students were systematically selected for the program in the reporting period. Beginning in 2021, they will be mentored by female managers of the Schaeffler Group and take part in training series.Part of GNFK End
1) Managers are defined as employees in a supervisory function.