About the report

Part of NFBThis Report was approved by the Schaeffler AG Executive Board and refers to the Schaeffler Group. It contains the Schaeffler Group’s combined separate non-financial report and is publicly accessible on the company website. The reporting period corresponds to the 2022 fiscal year, from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. All of the relevant data available up through preparation of the report on February 27, 2023, have been taken into account.

Material topics have been reported with reference to the 2021 Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (). The report takes into account the United Nations (SDGs) as well as the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (). The revised report structure reflects the ten action fields of the sustainability strategy, which was further developed in 2022, along Environment, Social, and Governance topics.

The Schaeffler Group’s Sustainability Report is available in German and English. In case of discrepancies, the German version is binding.Part of NFB Ende

Guidelines for data collection and presentation

Part of NFBThe following guidelines on the key figures and data points are valid for the entire report unless otherwise stated: This report includes all major domestic and foreign subsidiaries that are directly or indirectly controlled by Schaeffler AG. The companies are included from the date on which the Schaeffler Group gains control until the date control is lost. If the details and representations of concepts pertain to other entities, this is pointed out accordingly. The survey period is from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022.

When preparing the report, it is necessary in some instances to make appropriate estimates/projections, which are documented internally, to present the complete survey period. Actual values may differ from these estimates and will be corrected in the following year’s reporting. Methodical and structural changes are corrected in principle. Additional comments are provided for deviations greater than five percent. Differences may occur due to commercial rounding of amounts and percentages. Contrary to the abovementioned principles, the cutoff deadline for key figures and employee relationships is generally December 31, 2022. The persons referred to as employees in this report are members of the internally defined workforce category. Temporary staff, apprentices, trainees, and contract workers as well as inactive employees are not included in all of the key figures, which is indicated accordingly.

The scope of key figure consolidation for greenhouse gas emissions, total energy consumption, freshwater withdrawal, waste generation, and recycling rates in the field of environment refers to the plants defined as essential in the EnEHS management manual. Coverage of plants with certifications based on the , , and ISO 45001 standards as well as entries in the location register can be found in the appendix. The reporting date was December 31, 2022.Part of NFB Ende

Forward-looking statements

Part of NFBThis document contains forward-looking statements that reflect management’s current views with respect to future events. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that are beyond the Schaeffler Group’s ability to control or estimate precisely, such as future market and economic conditions, the behavior of other market participants, the ability to integrate acquired businesses and achieve anticipated synergies, and the actions of government regulators. If any of these cases or other risks and uncertainties occur, or if the assumptions underlying any of these statements prove incorrect, then actual results may be materially different from those expressed or implied by such statements.

The Schaeffler Group does not intend or assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this report.Part of NFB Ende

Combined separate non-financial report

Part of NFBIn this report, the Schaeffler Group discloses the required non-financial information for the 2022 fiscal year in accordance with Sections 289, 315, of the German Commercial Code (HGB) (in accordance with the ). The company exercises the option, in accordance with Section 315b (3) HGB, to produce a combined separate non-financial report () apart from the Group management report. The NFB was thereby combined with the separate non-financial report of the parent company in accordance with Section 315b (1)(2) HGB and integrated into the Report. The corresponding passages are marked with . References to information outside of this icon are to be understood as additional information; these are not mandatory components of the . In accordance with Section 289d HGB, the Schaeffler Group uses the 2021 Universal Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in the option "with reference to" in order to prepare the non-financial report.

The combined separate non-financial report for the 2022 fiscal year for the Schaeffler Group and Schaeffler AG was reviewed by the Supervisory Board of Schaeffler AG and by the accounting firm KPMG AG on behalf of the Supervisory Board with respect to the legally required information in accordance with Sections 315c in conjunction with 289c to 289e HGB for the purpose of obtaining limited assurance engagement. This follows the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 (Revised): “Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information” issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).Part of NFB Ende

Editorial notes

This report has been formulated in a gender-neutral language wherever possible. For improved readability, the company has refrained from using masculine or feminine terms. All texts refer equally to all gender identities.

The following symbols indicate additional information when reading:

Further information in the report

Further infromation on the internet


The company accepts questions and comments about the content of the Schaeffler Group’s Sustainability Report:

Investor Relations
phone:+49 9132 82-4440
fax: +49 9132 82-4444
e-mail: ir@schaeffler.com

For the Schaeffler Group, doing business sustainably means using natural resources responsibly and sparingly so that they can also be used by future generations. Ten action fields were defined along the ESG framework (Environment, Social, and Governance) in order to strengthen this aspect of sustainability within the Schaeffler Group.. These action fields represent key topics for the Schaeffler Group and are backed by ambitious targets. The company takes the entire value chain into consideration in its operations.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Founded in 1997, this organization uses a participatory procedure to develop criteria for the preparation of sustainability reports.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
As part of the Agenda 2030, the United Nations (UN) has formulated 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These encompass economic, ecological and social aspects.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)
Expert commission of the G20 that develops recommendations on standardized climate reporting. These cover the areas of governance, strategy, risk management, metrics and targets.
ISO 14001 (Environmental Management)
The Schaeffler Group is also certified in accordance with the international standard ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) in conjunction with EMAS. This enables the company to continuously improve its environmental performance.
ISO 50001 (Energy Management)
Globally recognized standard for increasing energy efficiency. The worldwide energy management system provides the resources for analysing and implementing energy efficiency measures as well as increasing supply security and optimizing energy costs. ISO 50001 is a mandatory requirement by the customers of the Schaeffler Group and a legal obligation in Europe.
Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme is a joint system for environmental management and auditing according to whose requirements Schaeffler Group locations are audited and thereby make their environmental performance visible.
CSR Directive Implementation Act (CSR-RUG)
The CSR Directive Implementation Act (Sections 289b et seq. of the German Commercial Code) requires the disclosure of information on the following five non-financial aspects: environmental, social and labour aspects, respect for human rights as well as anti-corruption and bribery matters. The CSR-RUG is based on European Directive 2014/95/EU.
Separate Non-financial Group Report
With the separate Non-financial Group Report, the Schaeffler Group makes use of the option pursuant to Section 315b (3) of the German Commercial Code to prepare the non-financial disclosure (NFD) outside the Group Management Report. Thus, it is integrated in the Sustainability Report. The NFD contains information on environmental, social and employee aspects as well as on respect for human rights and anti-corruption.
For the Schaeffler Group, doing business sustainably means using natural resources responsibly and sparingly so that they can also be used by future generations. Ten action fields were defined along the ESG framework (Environment, Social, and Governance) in order to strengthen this aspect of sustainability within the Schaeffler Group.. These action fields represent key topics for the Schaeffler Group and are backed by ambitious targets. The company takes the entire value chain into consideration in its operations.
Separate Non-financial Group Report
With the separate Non-financial Group Report, the Schaeffler Group makes use of the option pursuant to Section 315b (3) of the German Commercial Code to prepare the non-financial disclosure (NFD) outside the Group Management Report. Thus, it is integrated in the Sustainability Report. The NFD contains information on environmental, social and employee aspects as well as on respect for human rights and anti-corruption.