Employee advancement and development
- Internal talents are systematically identified and supported based on employee dialogue
- External talents are increasingly recruited through active sourcing and subsequently promoted
Attracting and developing talents
Bestandteil des GNFK StartThe Schaeffler Group’s sustainability activities are an important factor for winning over potential employees. The company also relies on target group-oriented formats in employer branding and marketing for vocational training. Concrete measures include, e.g.:
- Participation in (virtual) information days and events
- Collaboration with schools, universities, student bodies and associations, and organizations
- Many years of activity as the primary sponsor of Formula Student Germany
Just like employer branding, the company also views recruiting as a key component for future success despite a challenging labor market. The Talent Attraction initiative promotes both aspects globally in order to ensure the Schaeffler Group’s competitiveness.
The company increasingly relies on active sourcing in Germany as a more targeted approach to contacting and acquiring the desired talent, with Schaeffler recruiters interacting with talent directly in the market. Active sourcing was introduced in Germany in 2020 and professionalized and expanded in 2021. To develop the sourcing strategies worldwide, the company will increasingly expand its focus outside of Germany as well.
The recruiting process is constantly changing and adapting to the latest developments. In fact, more and more interviews will be held in a digital format even after the coronavirus.
Using SAP Success Factors, a new talent management process was introduced worldwide in early 2021 to systematically advance newly hired and internally developed talents. Employees themselves are responsible for organizing their tasks, shaping their development and their career in line with the “Drive your Career” philosophy. This approach takes into account the needs of young talents as well as the demands of the modern working world.
The newly established Performance & Goal Management process is more transparent for employees and aims to foster their individual performance and ongoing development. Managers and employees agree on individual goals, which are not relevant for the bonus, and discuss behavior, the necessary functional skills, and development measures that are relevant for both the current position and the potential next step in their career.
Annual Career & Succession Discussions are also held on this basis and provide an opportunity to discuss potential next career and development steps for young talents as well as succession planning for key positions in the company.Bestandteil des GNFK Ende
Schaeffler Academy restructured
With its Execution Program of the Roadmap 2025, the Schaeffler Group is looking to respond to the technological transformation head-on and has therefore expanded its existing range for employees with the Future Qualification initiative, which is part of the “People & Culture” subprogram.
The Schaeffler Academy repositioned itself accordingly last year. Inspired by the slogan “Knowledge for Pioneers”, and based on the three pillars of educational development, training development, and learning systems and tools, the new organization pursues the strategy of establishing itself as a business partner in operational training and education as well as turning the company into a learning organization.
High-quality training opportunities
Bestandteil des GNFK StartTo maintain and continuously develop the high quality of training in the Schaeffler Group, global standards and conditions need to be established and expanded. For example, a cross-regional communication and meeting structure has been introduced to promote engaging and regular exchange on topics related to training and education. Future-oriented learning methods and a tailored mix of vocational training and degree programs have also been implemented, incorporating all of the regions.
In the year under review, the company employed 2,643 apprentices1) (prior year: 2,724) at 48 locations in 16 countries worldwide. The opportunity to use augmented reality concepts in the form of virtual welding simulators and to build their own 3D printers prepares them for new challenges. Fields of study were also incorporated into the learning portfolio taking the company’s technological developments into account – e.g., in the areas of Cyber Security and Robotics.Bestandteil des GNFK Ende
In addition to traditional dual vocational training and instruction for technical, business, and IT careers, the company also offers a variety of study options. The study programs cover both technical and business topics, ranging from Mechanical Engineering, Automation, and Computer Science to the Automotive Trade, and Tax and Commercial Law.
Trainee programs are available for young employees with above-average degrees, preparing them for future careers with targeted rotation at the company, network meetings, and ongoing mentoring.
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
Apprentices, total2) |
2,643 |
2,724 |
3,078 |
Of which students, total3) |
394 |
491 |
– |
Trainees, total |
52 |
50 |
76 |
Empowering trainers
Bestandteil des GNFK StartWell-qualified young professionals require well-qualified trainers. While the coronavirus pandemic has changed the nature of training, it has also revealed that the modular qualification program can still provide trainers with what they need to offer training even during a pandemic. To further optimize digital and hybrid learning support, the modules of the prior qualification program have been revised and translated into a blended learning format. Even the trainers themselves can see the benefits of combining classroom learning scenarios and individual online learning. A training manual has also been developed in collaboration with the various regions and serves as a guideline for activities, areas of expertise, and learning paths for trainers.Bestandteil des GNFK Ende
Digital platform CareerXperience is online
In addition to external career platforms, the company has also been using its in-house digital career platform CareerXperience since 2021 to present itself as an innovative employer and training company. Anyone who is interested can learn about careers, technologies, job openings, and training opportunities in a virtual tour as well as explore a Schaeffler training center. They are supported digitally along the way by experienced employees and apprentices, who explain the various elements and stations. Special functions include the live chat with HR staff and the option to register for events and presentations directly via the career platform.
More information is available at: CareerXperience
Training employees independent of time and place
Bestandteil des GNFK StartOver the years, the Schaeffler Academy has developed a variety of Fit4 qualification programs in order to support the required re- and upskilling of employees. They consist of modular training options with defined learning paths that consider the target groups’ different backgrounds and areas of experience. While Fit4Mechatronics targets development and application engineers, the Fit4Production program is directed at production employees. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a majority of the classroom training sessions were translated into virtual formats. The dedicated Learning Management System (LMS) used at the company is available in 53 countries, achieving a coverage rate of 99.8 %2) (prior year: 99.8 %) of the total workforce.
A total of 250 online training courses were available to employees worldwide (prior year: 193). 4,553 people (prior year: 7,351) also took part in classroom training sessions in Germany in the year under review. Compulsory classroom training sessions were held in accordance with applicable hygiene measures.Bestandteil des GNFK Ende
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
Online training courses, total |
250 |
193 |
134 |
Average number of hours of training and education per employee2) |
8.2 |
– |
– |
Participants in e-learning courses, Germany3) |
169,795 |
136,307 |
35,780 |
Participants in classroom training sessions, Germany |
4,553 |
7,351 |
27,906 |
Sustainability training
Bestandteil des GNFK StartThe Schaeffler Group’s ambitions can only be fulfilled successfully if all employees are aware of the relevance of sustainability and actively support implementation, which is why the online Sustainability Roadmap training course was developed in 2021 with a focus on the following aspects:
- The Schaeffler Climate Program
- Sustainable supply chains, with a focus on the Supplier Code of Conduct
- Tasks and targets in occupational health and safety
- Sustainability management and non-financial reporting
- Stakeholder dialogue for a better understanding of stakeholders and what they demand of the company
This training is required for all Schaeffler Group employees3) who have access to the Schaeffler Academy training portal. Available in Germany since the end of February 2021 and worldwide since the end of May 2021, the training was successfully completed by more than 42,100 employees in the year under review.Bestandteil des GNFK Ende
Developing leaders
Bestandteil des GNFK Start The Schaeffler Leadership Essentials describe the behavior managers across all levels should exemplify in daily collaboration. After introducing the guidelines, the following HR tools were adapted accordingly in the year under review:
- Performance & Goals Management
- Hiring process
- Upward and global 360° feedback
- All executive training courses
The Leadership Essentials are now joined by the “Employee Essentials”, which were developed in collaboration with employees and managers in different regions beginning in 2019 and were integrated into additional HR processes such as Performance & Goals Management in 2021.
In support of the company transformation, regional leadership programs for the senior management were revised and standardized on a global basis, with the “Regional Leadership Excellence Program” implemented in three of the four regions.
Inspired by the principle of “Empowering Leaders”, the new “Center for Leadership Excellence” bundles all the qualification options associated with leadership behavior and expertise. Examples include online training courses such as the Rapid Learning Nuggets, i.e. a diverse selection of brief learning videos, and the “Leadership Campus Talk” event series, which combines a keynote with subsequent discussion with the participating managers. The bimonthly event has already reached more than 1,000 participants around the world.Bestandteil des GNFK Ende
1) Includes people with academic and non-academic qualifications.
2) Relating to employees.
3) Exception: temporary workers and groups of people without access to a computer.