As a matter of principle, Schaeffler concentrates its logistics activities in as few locations as possible in order to enable an efficient market supply and to improve delivery processes. For example, the company bundles freight processes using the new, modern European distribution center (EDC), optimizes route planning, and uses return-trip dispatching to supply the plants. In addition, reusable packaging is increasingly being used. At the same time, the company is optimizing energy and resource efficiency. Among other things, Schaeffler uses energy recovery systems in its logistics facilities and avoids energy losses and waste through the repeated use of undamaged disposable packaging.
Shorter routes and better utilization
During the reporting period, supply and traffic flows were further optimized in order to improve their energy and CO2 balance. Meaningful key figures are important for the targeted reduction of CO2 emissions in logistics. That’s why Schaeffler is working on collecting data on Scope 3 emissions across the group in the future. In addition to freight transports, this includes business trips and access routes.
Automated transport management
The Schaeffler Group is also working on introducing a groupwide transport management system (TMS) that records transport orders and forwards them seamlessly and securely to the stakeholders involved. The TMS facilitates freight bundling, improves the utilization of the means of transportation used, and thereby saves energy and CO2 emissions. At the same time, the regional transport management organizations are continuously examining the current transport network for ways of optimizing capacity on individual routes and making use of changes in the existing network for improvements.
New distribution centers reduce emissions in the supply chain
The Schaeffler Group has steadily consolidated its logistics in recent years, including 2018. On June 5, 2018, the company opened the new EDC Central in Kitzingen, Germany, the last remaining EDC center in the new distribution network for industrial products in Europe. The investments made make the industry supply chain faster and more energy and cost efficient. In the Automotive Aftermarket division, another central European logistics center will be built by the beginning of 2020.
New Silk Road as a low CO2 railway connection and economic driver
When selecting transport routes, Schaeffler also pays attention to their CO2 balance. For example, the company continued to use the rail link between China and Europe in 2018 as an alternative to air and sea transport. The connection is currently being significantly upgraded through the “One Belt, One Road” infrastructure program from the Chinese government. A key component of the program is closer trade relations between Asia and Europe. Specifically, it is about the expansion of railway connections, harbors, roads, electricity networks, industrial parks, and logistics installations. Schaeffler is a reliable partner for this with its solutions for urban and interurban mobility, environmentally friendly drives, and the energy chain.
Employee mobility electrified
Schaeffler also wants to further reduce the emissions caused by the travel of its employees. By 2020, the company aims to develop a pioneering holistic mobility concept for its locations. Among other things, it will include local infrastructure, sharing services, in-house Schaeffler developments, and the possibility of electrifying private transport. In 2019, Schaeffler started a pilot project for implementing the mobility concept at the Herzogenaurach location. Individual measures were also launched internationally.
Like in Germany, hybrid and electric vehicles are now available as company cars in Europe and the other Schaeffler regions. With its company car guidelines, Schaeffler is promoting the use of vehicles with low CO2 emissions, especially electrified vehicles, on its own initiative in addition to the existing government subsidy programs. Following the revision of the Framework Directive for Europe in 2018, Schaeffler’s German company car guidelines will now be adapted accordingly in other European countries.
A total of
sites have charging infrastructure for electric and hybrid motor vehicles
Schaeffler is consistently expanding its charging infrastructure for electric and hybrid vehicles worldwide. By the end of 2018, charging stations were available at 25 sites, including 13 in Germany. By 2020, there will be charging facilities at all German plant locations. In 2018, the focus was on charging stations where employees can also charge their private vehicles. For example, the company opened two double charging stations for employees at the Schweinfurt location, followed by the Herzogenaurach and Höchstadt locations. Charging stations for employees were also opened in China at the Anting, Nanjing, and Taicang sites. Due to the high utilization of the staff charging stations, Schaeffler is planning to build additional stations for Schweinfurt and Herzogenaurach. In the first half of 2019, charging stations for employees will also be opened at the Bühl site.